Digital Blink | Dr. Stephen Hawking
Digital Blink box 具有三個主要功能,靈敏度水平調節、音量調節和揚聲器語音輸出。
由英特爾預期計算實驗室主任 Lama Nachman 領導的英特爾實驗室項目。
這個盒子是獨一無二的,專門為霍金博士定制的。 Digital Blink 用於調整霍金博士眼鏡上紅外傳感器的靈敏度水平,以及一個主要的外部揚聲器來投射霍金博士受 IP 保護的聲音。
An Intel Labs project leading by Lama Nachman, the Director of Anticipatory Computing Lab at Intel.
This Box is an one of a kind, specially customized for Dr. Hawking. Digital Blink is used to adjust the sensitivity level of the infrared sensor on Dr. Hawking's glasses,
as well as a major external speaker to project Dr. Hawking's IP protected voice.
The signal from the infrared sensor is then sent to a software platform, which allows Hawking to navigate the system without using his hands.
This can be used to perform a range of tasks, including moving a mouse or using a virtual keyboard.
The Digital Blink box has three main features, Sensitivity level adjustment, volume adjustment, and speaker voice output.
The adjustment knob is for Hawking's assistant Mr. Woods to adjust the sensitivity level of the infrared sensor on his glasses.
This box has carefully calculated proportions as well as all the product details from the silhouette, buttons, to graphics.
Each details is meticulously positioned relationships with each other on the major face. Both button sizes are proportional related to the top silhouette.
We chose anodized Aluminum to showcase the quality of the product. Through all the proposed colors to Dr. Hawking and his assistant Mr. Jonathan Wood, in the end, Dr. Hawking and us both agree that color space grey is the one to represent his enthusiasm for the mystery of universe, and at the same time it blends in well while mounted on the back of his wheelchair.
Intel has supported Dr. Hawking to redesign the overall computer systems for many years. When we first received this project, the software and functions are perfect, but no one has done a redesign for the hardware of this product before. As a newly formed industrial design group within Intel, we want the overall hardware looks as good as the software inside. We tried our best to perfect the overall design in every details, including with many rounds of testing prototypes and communication between our Santa Clara HQ and UK office. We're truly honored to work with Dr. Hawking and delivered the final product by November 2017.
Client: 矽谷英特爾總部 Intel Labs
Year: 2017